Is your air conditioner actually harm the environment?

Online Typing
3 min readJul 17, 2019


People says that the AC is dangers for the environment, but do you ever realize that why it is harmful or even it is harmful or not?

The problem is the refrigerant that leaks into the atmosphere and damage it. The air conditioning systems use refrigerants which harm our climate in two different ways viz: ODP and GWP.

ODP is the Ozone depleting Potential.

The ozone layer or ozone shield is an area of Earth’s stratosphere that assimilates a large portion of the Sun’s bright (UV) radiation. It contains high quantity of ozone(O3) in connection to different parts of the environment, albeit still little in connection to different gases in the stratosphere.

The ozone layer goes about as a channel for the shorter wavelength and exceedingly dangerous bright radiation (UVR) from the sun, shielding life on Earth from its impacts. At the point when the sky is clear, there is a converse connection between stratospheric ozone and sunlight based UVR estimated at the Earth’s surface. The refrigerants with a high ODP break the Ozone into oxygen, with the chlorine which is discharged from the refrigerant di-chlorofluoromethane

An unnatural weather change potential (GWP) is an overall proportion of how much warmth an ozone depleting substance traps in the air. It thinks about the measure of warmth caught by a specific mass of the gas being referred to the measure of warmth caught by a comparable mass of carbon dioxide. A GWP is determined over a particular time interim, regularly 20, 100 or 500 years. GWP is communicated as a factor of carbon dioxide. In the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, methane has a lifetime of 12.4 years and with atmosphere carbon inputs an a global warming potential of 86 more than 20 years and 34 more than 100 years because of outflows.

The global warming actually works like this. But thanks to our scientists, they developed refrigerants that are not harmful even if they are released into the atmosphere. Although we still have the misconception about the air conditioners that they are dangerous for the Mother Nature.

On the ether end, a car that burnt fuel is the real cause of global warming. But we didn’t get any solution of that problem.

Global Warming Map

Our Earth getting warmer slightly day by day. Before the finish of the 21st century, notwithstanding, an unnatural weather change is probably going to cause an expansion in Earth’s temperature of around 2–5 degrees Celsius. Presently even a 5-degree warming probably won’t seem like a lot to stress over, yet 5 degrees is generally how much distinction there is between the world as it is today and as it was amid the last Ice Age. As such, when we left the Ice Age, the planet warmed by 5 degrees over around 5000 years. Present day environmental change takes steps to create a similar measure of a warming in as meager as a century!



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